Welcome, New Director - Megan InverarityWelcome, New Director - Megan Inverarity
Welcome, New Director - Megan InverarityWelcome, New Director - Megan Inverarity

Welcome, New Director - Megan Inverarity

On July 1st, Megan Inverarity became Murray Nankivell's newest Director. We asked her to share how she got there.

How did you get to become an accounting firm director?

Like a lot of high school students I was trying to work out which subjects to pick for my senior years while wading through Uni courses options, not really sure what I wanted to do. The 'old man' said "You like sorting out and organising figures; what about accounting?". As a teenager I didn't really know what an accountant did, but his suggestion wasn't a bad one and I've been on the accounting pathway ever since.

I started with studying accounting in year 11 & 12 at Naracoorte High via distance learning and did work experience at Murray Nankivell. That's where the folks (Grant & Kay) got their taxes done so that was the logical door for me to knock on.   My 'gap year' was spent working at Murray Nankivell learning the basics before I moved to Adelaide to do my Commerce Degree at the University of Adelaide. Boarding at St Ann's College whilst at Uni, was an enriching experience and also meant I could pack up my bags and head back home to work for Murray Nankivell during Uni holidays, to gain valuable practical experience.

After completing Uni at the end of 2009 I decided to return to the South-East to work full time at Murray Nankivell and have been there ever since.   Having grown up on the family farm in Padthaway I was keen to return to the country where you feel part of the community.   It's nice to be able to walk down the street and be greeted by familiar faces; whether it's someone you went to school with, a team mate from an old sporting team or a family friend. When I'm not crunching numbers you'll find me on a golf course, in the garden, walking the 'Creek Walk' or playing table tennis.  

I'm very grateful for the opportunities that I've been given at Murray Nankivell; my role has certainly evolved over the past 10 plus years and I look forward to this next chapter as a business owner.   Working in a regional public practice you deal with anyone and everyone and are exposed to such a broad range of industries and business issues.   The ever changing tax rules and technologies make it interesting and challenging.   Working with a great team and helping clients is what makes it enjoyable. I'd like to thank my work colleagues and clients for their support over the years.  

How can Megan help you?

Megan is based in the Naracoorte office and consults in Kingston each Thursday. She provides advice on a wide range of taxation, accounting, business and finance matters for individuals, partnerships, trusts and companies for industry sectors including primary production, retail, professional services, trade, transportation, manufacturing and health care.

Megan specialises in the complex area of self-managed superannuation and is licensed to audit and provide advice around setting up SMSFs. "I've had a number of people enquire about setting up a self-managed super fund during the COVID pandemic as people seek to gain control over their superannuation assets", she said.

Megan's Qualifications include: Bachelor of Commerce; CPA (SMSF Specialist); Diploma of Financial Planning; Authorised Representative of Lonsdale Financial Group; SMSF Auditor; Tax (Financial) Adviser; Xero Certified Adviser.

Tony, Joel and Mark are excited to welcome Megan as the newest Director in Naracoorte.

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