Xero Training SessionsXero Training Sessions
Xero Training SessionsXero Training Sessions

Xero Training Sessions

This month is all about Xero & our clients!

Naracoorte, Bordertown & Murray Bridge offices have been running 2-hour small group training sessions for our Xero users.

Our sessions have been fully booked and so well received that we are now considering additional sessions. If you attended, look out for our feedback surveys, and let us know what ideas you have for future sessions.



I felt the workshop was very beneficial - Aimee doing most of the talking and Leah on the computer are a brilliant team. The other attendees questions were very good too.

You ladies are the best


A well deserved shout-out to Sandra, Nikki, Aimee, Leah, Teagan, Josie and Ally who are hosting the sessions.

Enquire with your accountant for upcoming sessions:

NARACOORTE 8765 7777

BORDERTOWN 8752 8888


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Contact your preferred Murray Nankivell office today.

A male and a female accountants from Murray Nankivell dressed in suits.Leah Cother, accountant